Thursday, February 01, 2007

1 Down and 1 To Go!

As far as next to last shows go, I had a pretty decent one. The host for the night was DJ Hazard, and my friends Tuck and Dustin were on tonight. DJ Hazard was a nice guy. He was friendly and just chatty enough between sets and did a great job keeping the energy up in the room. I had an eight minute set which went pretty well.

The crowd was into the show. Dustin had a great set, and so did Tuck. My set went pretty well too. I opened with a new joke that I hadn't written out about tax season. I thought of the premise earlier today and figured I'd give it a try. It was fairly clever and G Rated which isn't normally my style, but it struck me as cute so I gave it a shot. The rest of my set was fairly tame too. I kept away from "crotchular jokes" as Luke would put it. As a matter of fact, none of my jokes ended crotchular, I even changed some that normally would be into more tame versions. The only thing close was a vagina reference, but it was brief and not really graphic to that region, so I won't count it.

At first I was a little bummed to see that I only had 8 minutes, while my other friends had 10, but then I figured it's better to get me used to shorter time for the Portland's Funniest. Then again I don't really care about time and wasn't 100% sure I stuck to my time tonight. One more show left before the competition. The last scheduled show is February 11th.
Until then, make sure you wash behind your ears.

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