Last night at Sierra's was fun. It was the first time I had worked that room, and I had a pretty great set. Some new stuff and old stuff happened last night, I went without a set list. The only problem was, not too many people were there to see it.
Aside from the comics that were there, at any given point there would've been about 5 people in there max. Too bad for that, the room is set up really nice, I'll definitely go back again next month if I can. The comics that were there, were all supportive and had fun. It seemed like egos were checked at the door. That's always nice. After a few minues, nobody seemed to care that there wasn't an audience.
I was impressed with our host Dennis Fogg. I had worked with him before, but he was hosting last night. He had so much material, it was silly. Aside from Dennis, there was a new guy named Nick Salovos (?) sorry I'm bad with names, myself, Seth Bond Perry, Chuck Sanborn, and Tammy Pooler. I feel like I'm forgetting someone, but it was all good. It was a nice mix of Comedy Connection, Acoustic Coffee people and Liquid Blue folks in a neutral room. There was a different air to it for sure.
For some reason my Supercuts bit worked really well for me last night. Tammy Pooler said it was one of the funniest things she'd heard in a long time. I think it's a funny bit, but I don't generally think of it as that strong, but for some reason last night was it's night to shine.
When my set was done, I decided I wanted something sweet to drink, and I asked for a Sprite. Normally when you ask for a Sprite and they don't have it, they say "7 Up okay?". Not last night, the bartender Matt said "Sierra Mist okay?". I said sure as the taste of irony crossed my lips. Just a little cocky that a place called Sierra's doesn't serve Sprite or 7Up, only Sierra Mist.
Nothing scheduled for shows until October 12th, but I'll probably work Slainte next week Thursday the 28th. But, as the post begins with a picture of the road, I'll be hitting it with my friends Mike and Bandit to Toronto this Friday morning. It's going to be fun, and as I mentioned before, I may make a post about it, because I'm pretty certain something funny will happen.

You have obviously photoshopped your cock in my mouth.
It'd like my old man once said, "Don't put something in your mouth if you don't want it to appear on the internet some day".
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