Last night was fun. Not traditionally, but it was one of those nights that every comic that's been around awhile will tell you about. To say the crowd was small would've been an understatement. There were so few people in the crowd, all the comics had to come in and pretend to be normal audience members so that the room would seem fuller. But it ended up being fun.
It was a little nerve wracking, because most of them had heard my stuff before, so I had to try and put a spin on most of the stuff. But I did pretty well. Luke said I owned my set, but I know there's more I could do. I added on to some already existing jokes, and for my closer I actually used punchlines from one of Luke's jokes and one of Dustin's jokes. It's not so much a lift, because I don't plan on that becoming part of my act, but more or less an homage to the night. I figured we all have to sit through each others stuff, we should at least feel connected at some point and that felt like the right way to do it. Joe Ricchio was there last night, and there's something real cool about when he does a set that you can't help but be drawn in. It was a great night for local comedy, I'm proud to be a part of it even if people didn't show up in droves to see it.
Upcoming shows: Sunday April 30th. I only have 1 show next month on Sunday the 21st, but June I have 4 shows which I'll have to look up the dates later on. All of these shows are at the Portland Comedy Connection.
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