Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Quick change to upcoming dates
Due to the Old Port Festival being on June 4th, that date is cancelled for the Comedy Connection. I'm hoping tomorrow to have a make-up date for this show. I'll post it once I know. On a positive note Thursday June 8th is the next open mic for Slainte', so I'll probably do that night to make up for the drop of the Connection.
Friday, May 26, 2006
What A Blast!

Last night I went in and did Slainte'. There were few of us there, myself, Joe Richio, Erin Cyr, Timmy B, Dustin Beckelman, and some very drunk guy that was going on last I believe, but I left before he hit the stage. It was fun. Not like your typical comedy show, you really had to work to keep the crowd into it. I went on first and had a great set. I was feeling very calm and not nervous at all last night which was cool. I didn't get to tape the show because there was no place to put my camera. There were just too many packed into such a small space to allow for it. Now when I say I think I had a great set, that was nothing compared to Joe's. He did about 20 minutes, and almost all of it was killing. Last night was his room, glad I went on before him. I felt bad for Erin who had a good set, but Joe took it all out of them. My set was the same I'd done for the past couple of shows, so I'll probably mix it up this next time. I've decided I'll probably swing out to Acoustic Coffee next Wednesday for more time. There was talk about doing the comedy night at Slainte' every other Thursday. If they'll let me, I'll definitely go back.
Monday, May 22, 2006
A Calm Night
I had a pretty good set last night. It felt good to be back at the Comedy Connection. I was more comfortable onstage than I had been for a while, which felt good. I ran my set that went about 8:45 in 7:30 last night. I was supposed to just have 7:00 but we'll see if there's any repercussions. There was some great comics on last night, Tom Ryan, Tuck, Ian Harvey, and plenty more. I just wish there were more people to see it. There were about 20 people that showed up. I'm looking forward to the summer when there's more folks out and about to watch the shows. I'm building up a good supply of material now, so I should be able to mix it up pretty well when the rooms start to get busier. I posted the performance on myspace (see previous blog entry for address), and got rid of the other. With any luck, the video will have come out much better on this one. I'm waiting for it to clear processing on their servers now. Basically it's the same stuff as before, but you couldn't see me in the last one because it was so dark. An update of sorts for shows coming up, I've been told that Slainte' is going to be having an open mic on Thursdays, so I'll probably end up there as well as the Acoustic Coffee. Till next time. And to the only two people that I know read this blog... Hi Mike!..... Hi Amanda!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Don't ever call me a liar, or an aardvark.
Okay, here are the updates for upcoming shows as promised. For the rest of this month, the only thing scheduled is this coming Sunday the 21st at Comedy Connection, but to get stage time I’ll probably end up at Acoustic Coffee’s open mic on the 31st.
Comedy Connection dates in June:
Sunday 6/4
Sunday 6/11
Thursday 6/15
Sunday 6/25
Comedy Connection dates in July:
Thursday 7/6
Tuesday 7/11
Thursday 7/13
Tuesday 7/25
Comedy Connection dates in August:
Wednesday 8/2
Tuesday 8/8
Wednesday 8/16
Tuesday 8/22
Possible open mic nights coming up for Acoustic Coffee:
May 31
June 14 and 28
July 12 and 26
August 9 and 23
Also I;m in the process of sending over a video of the 5/17/06 performance from Acoustic Coffee to myspace. I have to be honest, it seems to be taking a little effort to get it there, but hopefully it’ll be up by tomorrow. The address for that is http://www.myspace.com/robscomedy , and if you’re on my friends list, I’ll send a message once it’s out there. If you’re reading this and you’re not on my friends list and also participate in myspace, go ahead and send me a request and we’ll throw you in there. That’s it for updates today. I’ll update next Monday after the Comedy Connection show. Come on out and catch it. There should be some heavy hitters there that night.
Comedy Connection dates in June:
Sunday 6/4
Sunday 6/11
Thursday 6/15
Sunday 6/25
Comedy Connection dates in July:
Thursday 7/6
Tuesday 7/11
Thursday 7/13
Tuesday 7/25
Comedy Connection dates in August:
Wednesday 8/2
Tuesday 8/8
Wednesday 8/16
Tuesday 8/22
Possible open mic nights coming up for Acoustic Coffee:
May 31
June 14 and 28
July 12 and 26
August 9 and 23
Also I;m in the process of sending over a video of the 5/17/06 performance from Acoustic Coffee to myspace. I have to be honest, it seems to be taking a little effort to get it there, but hopefully it’ll be up by tomorrow. The address for that is http://www.myspace.com/robscomedy , and if you’re on my friends list, I’ll send a message once it’s out there. If you’re reading this and you’re not on my friends list and also participate in myspace, go ahead and send me a request and we’ll throw you in there. That’s it for updates today. I’ll update next Monday after the Comedy Connection show. Come on out and catch it. There should be some heavy hitters there that night.
Much better this time.
I went for open mic at Acoustic Coffee last night. I had a pretty great set, which was a little surprising, because I ran A LOT of new material, and expected something to fall flat. But it didn't. Big kudos to Seth Bond Perry for putting that up. I also got to use my new video camera for the first time. It was fading in and out of focus, and I'm not sure why. It's my first time using it, so I'll have to mess with it. Perhaps I'll get the video and put it out on myspace. It was a small crowd full of comics. I didn't stick around too long after my set, I was pretty pooped. I have a lot of dates set up for the next three months and will make another post when I get to work on what those dates are, because that's where I wrote it down They're all at the Comedy Connection for the next 3 months, about 4 shows a month. But I have a funny feeling I'll try and squeeze in more time at Acoustic too if I can swing it. Open mic every other Wednesday. The next one is 5/31/06. Perhaps we'll see you there.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Not Sure How That Went
I went into Acoustic Coffee last night to get some time. It was an odd room. I had the crowd for about half my set, then I lost them. Not really sure where I lost them. I sat there for awhile before I went on which kind of was lame, because I showed up at 7:00 and didn't get on until 9:45. The crowd wasn't very reactionary to most of the comics, so I sat there watching people get shot down all night waiting for my chance. Like I said, I started off strong, and by the middle of my set I didn't feel like being there. I think it might have shown in my performance. I tried a new joke about buying a used computer, which sucked the life out of the room, that's probably where the night went south for me.
I know a lot of the comics like to go there to bounce new material, but I wasn't comfortable in the room. The "stage" was at the same level as the audience and the mics kept going in and out. I'm not sure I was so into the free form of the scheduling, the host actually kept saying, I don't f**king know who's coming up next.
Long story short, it was a discouraging night for me. I got some stage time, but don't think it was very beneficial for me. I have no idea if my set really went well or not. I'm not sure if I'll go out of my way to hit that room again. I'm sure it's a great room for some folks to work, but it wasn't my cup of tea (pun). I'm much more comfortable at the Connection. Next show is May 21st, Comedy Connection.
I know a lot of the comics like to go there to bounce new material, but I wasn't comfortable in the room. The "stage" was at the same level as the audience and the mics kept going in and out. I'm not sure I was so into the free form of the scheduling, the host actually kept saying, I don't f**king know who's coming up next.
Long story short, it was a discouraging night for me. I got some stage time, but don't think it was very beneficial for me. I have no idea if my set really went well or not. I'm not sure if I'll go out of my way to hit that room again. I'm sure it's a great room for some folks to work, but it wasn't my cup of tea (pun). I'm much more comfortable at the Connection. Next show is May 21st, Comedy Connection.
Monday, May 01, 2006
What A Night!

Last night's show was funny, and not necessarily for all the right reasons. First off I'll say that I had a great set. I'm getting more confidence and I have one of the better crowd reactions of the night.
The room wasn't really even a third full, and these people weren't necessarily there to laugh. It was by far the toughest room I'd seen, even Hammy was having a hard time getting them to laugh. But that just made me feel even better that I'd done as well as I did. I really had to work for it last night, and it paid off. Most of us last night, didn't have the best of luck.
It was hard to watch my comic peers up there last night struggling to get a laugh, but it really cool to see how they handled it. A couple of my favorite local comics couldn't get a laugh if their lives were depending on it, but they were funny last night. I won't normally blame a crowd, but last night it was completely the crowd. Without naming names of who had bad crowd reaction, I'd just say that the last set, I was about on the floor laughing. The last comic was having so much fun, at said comics own expense, you couldn't help but get caught up in the silliness. It was a moment of clarity for me, it said that even though we stress about how we're coming off onstage, it's just a comedy show in the end. We should just try and have fun.
The only upcoming show I have for this month is May 21st at the Portland Comedy Connection. I may try to supplement my addiction by trying out Acoustic Coffee. John Ader told me it's a great place to hit up for stage time on their open mic nights. They have a show this Wednesday and two weeks after that. If I do those, I'll update the post after and let you know how it went.
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