Thursday, May 18, 2006

Much better this time.

I went for open mic at Acoustic Coffee last night. I had a pretty great set, which was a little surprising, because I ran A LOT of new material, and expected something to fall flat. But it didn't. Big kudos to Seth Bond Perry for putting that up. I also got to use my new video camera for the first time. It was fading in and out of focus, and I'm not sure why. It's my first time using it, so I'll have to mess with it. Perhaps I'll get the video and put it out on myspace. It was a small crowd full of comics. I didn't stick around too long after my set, I was pretty pooped. I have a lot of dates set up for the next three months and will make another post when I get to work on what those dates are, because that's where I wrote it down They're all at the Comedy Connection for the next 3 months, about 4 shows a month. But I have a funny feeling I'll try and squeeze in more time at Acoustic too if I can swing it. Open mic every other Wednesday. The next one is 5/31/06. Perhaps we'll see you there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!