Thursday, May 18, 2006

Don't ever call me a liar, or an aardvark.

Okay, here are the updates for upcoming shows as promised. For the rest of this month, the only thing scheduled is this coming Sunday the 21st at Comedy Connection, but to get stage time I’ll probably end up at Acoustic Coffee’s open mic on the 31st.

Comedy Connection dates in June:
Sunday 6/4
Sunday 6/11
Thursday 6/15
Sunday 6/25

Comedy Connection dates in July:
Thursday 7/6
Tuesday 7/11
Thursday 7/13
Tuesday 7/25

Comedy Connection dates in August:
Wednesday 8/2
Tuesday 8/8
Wednesday 8/16
Tuesday 8/22

Possible open mic nights coming up for Acoustic Coffee:
May 31
June 14 and 28
July 12 and 26
August 9 and 23

Also I;m in the process of sending over a video of the 5/17/06 performance from Acoustic Coffee to myspace. I have to be honest, it seems to be taking a little effort to get it there, but hopefully it’ll be up by tomorrow. The address for that is , and if you’re on my friends list, I’ll send a message once it’s out there. If you’re reading this and you’re not on my friends list and also participate in myspace, go ahead and send me a request and we’ll throw you in there. That’s it for updates today. I’ll update next Monday after the Comedy Connection show. Come on out and catch it. There should be some heavy hitters there that night.


Mike said...

You are the biggest aardvark that I have ever met.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.