Last night I went in and did Slainte'. There were few of us there, myself, Joe Richio, Erin Cyr, Timmy B, Dustin Beckelman, and some very drunk guy that was going on last I believe, but I left before he hit the stage. It was fun. Not like your typical comedy show, you really had to work to keep the crowd into it. I went on first and had a great set. I was feeling very calm and not nervous at all last night which was cool. I didn't get to tape the show because there was no place to put my camera. There were just too many packed into such a small space to allow for it. Now when I say I think I had a great set, that was nothing compared to Joe's. He did about 20 minutes, and almost all of it was killing. Last night was his room, glad I went on before him. I felt bad for Erin who had a good set, but Joe took it all out of them. My set was the same I'd done for the past couple of shows, so I'll probably mix it up this next time. I've decided I'll probably swing out to Acoustic Coffee next Wednesday for more time. There was talk about doing the comedy night at Slainte' every other Thursday. If they'll let me, I'll definitely go back.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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