Thursday, May 04, 2006

Not Sure How That Went

I went into Acoustic Coffee last night to get some time. It was an odd room. I had the crowd for about half my set, then I lost them. Not really sure where I lost them. I sat there for awhile before I went on which kind of was lame, because I showed up at 7:00 and didn't get on until 9:45. The crowd wasn't very reactionary to most of the comics, so I sat there watching people get shot down all night waiting for my chance. Like I said, I started off strong, and by the middle of my set I didn't feel like being there. I think it might have shown in my performance. I tried a new joke about buying a used computer, which sucked the life out of the room, that's probably where the night went south for me.

I know a lot of the comics like to go there to bounce new material, but I wasn't comfortable in the room. The "stage" was at the same level as the audience and the mics kept going in and out. I'm not sure I was so into the free form of the scheduling, the host actually kept saying, I don't f**king know who's coming up next.

Long story short, it was a discouraging night for me. I got some stage time, but don't think it was very beneficial for me. I have no idea if my set really went well or not. I'm not sure if I'll go out of my way to hit that room again. I'm sure it's a great room for some folks to work, but it wasn't my cup of tea (pun). I'm much more comfortable at the Connection. Next show is May 21st, Comedy Connection.

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