I feel a little bad, because I ran an almost identical set to the last time i was at the Connection, but I didn't have a chance to run new stuff at any open mics. I did mix it up with the stuff I did, so it wasn't too bad. It was a great crowd. I'm glad I went up early, because as the night went on the crowd was a little less responsive.
I had to hit a variety store intown because I didn't feel well before the show. I was cramping in my stomach real bad and was either going to have the shits or my period, so I made my way to some Pepto. After one "incident" at Flatbread Pizza, my positraction was no longer slipping. I still felt a little off for the rest of the night, but at least the threat of me dropping deuce in my drawers was quelled until after my set.
I had a brief run-in with a heckler last night. He was right up front, and for some reason had a problem with my Rue McClannighan comment. Long story short, I laid into him pretty well, and the crowd was having fun at his expence. I usualy just ignore people like that. It could've been my cranky bung, or it could've been that he was directly in front of me, but I was a little more confrontational than I usually would be.
All in all, it was a blast. This week coming up, I have Acoustic Coffee on Wednesday (possibly, I know I said I thought I was done, be we still have kids together and he can be sweet. You don't know him!) and Thursday at Slainte'. I'll be running some more new stuff, so we'll see how it flies. Stimulater!
P.S. I've included one of my personal favorite goofy pictures of Mike. Straight up gangsta!
I love how this has become the Mike Photo Blog!
Don't try and distract me now that the "juice picture" is so close. Talk some folks into sending goofy pictures, maybe you'll be saved.
And with the road trips that we have planned this summer, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to photograph me when I am most vulnerable.
Is your friend retarded?
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